

Luanne Guiliani


Robert Wurzer

Vice President

Jan Stewart


Maxine Meneghini


Keri Meneghini


Carol Sundstrom


Francis McCarthy


Bill Van Wolvelaere


Martin Straka


Hamilton Lakes Lake Board

Many of the Lakes residents have asked why we have a Hamilton Lakes Lake Board (the Board) and Hamilton Lakes Association (the Association).
Back around 2005 the residents realized we needed a source of money to treat Eurasion Water Milfoil.
They also realized that money had to come from those that benefited most from a clean lake.
With a little research they found that Michigan had a statute that provided for a Lake Board that could assess milage to get funds to provide for the health and welfare of the lake.
To do this, a petition was circulated to all riparian (lake frontage) property owners and a 2/3 majority signatures would indicate consent to proceed. More that enough signatures were gathered.
The members of the board could hold public meetings to provide input and then assess an appropriate milage to get the money necessary to treat the lakes.
Therefore, the Board is a legal entity recognized by the State, with the power to assess milage and distribute those funds as needed for the health and welfare of the lakes.

Currently, the Board members (as established by Michigan statute) are, a representative from each township represented on the Lakes (Norway – Joyce Giuliani and Waucedah – Rick Smaniotti),
a county Commissioner (John Degenaer), the Drain Commissioner (Kevin Trevillian) and a representative from the riparian owners (me – Bill Stewart).
I have been doing the job of chairman for a long time now and would like to pass it on to someone new. If you are interested, please contact me and I will explain the job to you.
We hope we are doing a good job for you, but if we are not, please contact any one of us.

Bill Stewart, 8/15/22